MAKROWIN 88G2 on the international competition Solar Decathlon 2011
Drevené okná MAKROWIN 88G2 boli vybraté tímom 4D Home z univerzity Massachusetts pre svoj projekt s ktorým sa zúčastnia na medzinárodnej súťaži Solar Decathlon 2011.
Drevené okná MAKROWIN 88G2 boli vybraté tímom 4D Home z univerzity Massachusetts pre svoj projekt s ktorým sa zúčastnia na medzinárodnej súťaži Solar Decathlon 2011.
Nové trendy v zasklievaní významne znižujú náklady na vykurovanie a sú podstatne šetrnejšie k životnému prostrediu. Vykurovaním stavebných priestorov v štátoch EÚ má za následok približne 40 % tvorby CO2.
Dvojsklá či trojsklá na južnej strane domu? Túto otázku rieši každý stavebník. Podľa čoho sa rozhodnúť? Zaujíma vás aké sú tepelné straty a solárne zisky cez dvojsklo a cez trojsklo? Zaujíma vás koľko hodín v zimných mesiacoch, január alebo február, môžete očakávať solárne zisky cez vaše okná? Ak ste aspom na jednu otázku odpovedali správne, určite si prečítajte tento článok.
When building a house the topic of saving is getting nore and more actual. To make the loss of warmth the lowest and use the energy most effectively while running energetically passive house, significant role plays the airthight (hermetic) coat of the house.
New information about building passive and low energetic houses were presented to experts by Makrowin LLC and Tremco Illbruck LLC on the seminar in Senec on April 8th 2010. Lectures were designated for experts – architects, designers, investors, producers of particular components of energy saving buildings. The main mission was to show the trends and…
Expert meeting (seminar), which took place on April 8th 2010 in Senec, was organized by Makrowin LLC and Tremco Illbruck LLC. It was designated for wider expert society – architects, designers, investors, but also for all who are interested in energy saving buildings. In the program, there were some expert lectures dealing with the topics…
One of the favorite thermoisolating materials that are used when putting in windows is polyurethane ( PU) isolating foam. The structure of the foam consists of many closed air bubbles that reinsure their thermoisolating ability. The standard assembling of the windows and door with PUR foam is one of the most common complaint reasons of…
The winter garden is a building element, which brings the nature and light into the house. It is an element of esthetics as well, which embellishes the living atmosphere and whole look of our dwelling place, which improves the quality of living.
The economic crisis has a crucial influence on all aspects of life and multiplies new ways in building industry. These ones are before all in common interest of both partners (investor and builder) in energy needs of projected or constructed buildings. The energy saving solutions start to have priority.