Company Makrowin s.r.o. from 2006 on offers to its customer high variety of choice from wide range of profiles with various construction width, they can be used for the houses from lower to higher level of enrgy saving control. As the first product that was implemented into the product list it was the Wooden Window Makrowin 88, which is the top range product due to its insulation properties and high functionality. Similar type of window is offered in present time only by small bunch of producers and Company Makrowin is a market leader with its innovative sales policy. It is necessary to stress that in the time of introduction of this product to the market, this product was a brand new one on the Slovakian market.
[Download not found]On November the 26th 2007 the Wooden Window Makrowin 88 was awarded with Certificate of Quality Trade Mark N023 2007 and with a Golden Medal SLOVAK GOLD by the SLOVAK GOLD AGENCY, which a main Certificate Award Body for high quality products in Slovakia.
This certificate honors the endeavor of the members of Makrowin to develop and to offer to the customer the top quality products to meet the needs and requirements of the customer.