Inovated wood-aluminium windows MAKROWIN

Uncompromising in quality, beauty and eco friendly – for those who seek highest quality standards.

Wood-aluminium window is designed for modern houses. Windows meet deamanding technical and quality standards and also provide infinitive options of colour, texture and surface finish in order to match them with your requirements and your individual style.

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Protection of birds from hitting windows

Birds crashing into the glass surfaces of windows is a serious problem for the conservation of bird biodiversity. Millions of birds are killed annually after hitting the windows of buildings. It is the second most common cause of human-caused bird mortality, after habitat loss. Birds often fail to recognize glass as an obstacle. Reflections of…

Thermal breakage insulating glass

Žiadna porucha však nie je „samovoľná“, vždy existuje príčina, ktorá vyvolá následnú poruchu. Na tento fakt nesmieme pri hľadaní príčiny porúch nikdy zabudnúť. Medzi také poruchy patrí aj tepelný lom skla…


Konštrukčné riešenia okien a všetkých výplní otvorov pre domy, v ktorých je prioritou úspora energií, sú charakterizované väčšou stavebnou šírkou a použitím kombinácií kvalitného zasklenia a osvedčeného statického materiálu – v našom prípade – dreva. V tomto príspevku vám predstavíme konštrukciu okna pre pasívne domy od slovenskej firmy MAKROWIN z Detvy.

How to choose correct windows?

You decided for wooden windows but you don’t know which are the best for your building? We will help you!

Okná pre klasickú a historickú architektúru v drevenom aj drevohliníkovom prevedení.


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Windows & Doors Makrowin

Comprehensive solutions for your home

Our company offers you comprehensive solution of windows and doors for your home. We focus on innovation, development, and quality of our products. We subordinate quality of our product to all activities. For us the customer satisfaction is primary criterion for evalution of resulting quality.

    • Wooden windows
    • Wood-aluminium windows
    • Aluminium windows

    • Entrance doors
    • Lift-Slide doors
    • Folding doors

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