To produce the energy saving window is not enough. It is very important to implement it in to the building. The question is – how?
In present time the most frequently used kind of building in implementation – window is mechanically fixed, cracks are covered with polyuretan foam which is covered by plaster.
For in such kind implemented window the plaster starts to crack in the place where window and wall meet together, the water and moisture starts to get in, foam is degrading. In the space between wall and window the ambient space for molding is created. Through the slot the warm is getting out and noise is getting in. Such kind of implementation can decrease the noise protection and warm coefficient can be deteriorated about 30%.
This detail if implementation cannot be underestimated. We pay a lot of money for high quality windows but we do not get the declared parameters /coefficient of warm penetration, noise protection/ because of wrong covering the cracks between window and wall or because of not specialist implementation.
Makrowin can offer in this case the implementation by means of illbruck i3 of window sealing system TwinAktiv, this is the revolutionary solution in the field of insulating of buildings. Thanks to its insulating parameters it can save the energy and creates a high protection against the creating of molds in the slot. TwinAktiv can, as the only film, accommodate to the conditions of moisture impact and can be use for exteriors as well as for interiors side of slot.
TwinAktiv can modify its parameters according to the condition of surrounding space and this is what can assure for 365 day a dry heat insulation inside the slot. Instead of creating fully perfect and tight vapor protection the film enables ventilation and permanent drying of insulation in very short time. Thanks to it the film gives the direction in the frame of intelligent management of humidity.
Unique characteristics:
- excellent drying of the slot
- the same product for interior and exterior as well
- maximum reliability of slot function during 365 day in year
- saves energy
- future guarantee
TwinAktiv was successful in vast test.
Film illbruck TwinAktiv has been tested and researched. Along with other systems it subdued the tests with aim to verify which system enables the quickest drying of slot. Measurment of moisture in simulated ambient of new construction showed the fact that heat insulation of slot completed in interior and exterior about film illbruck TwinAktiv enables the quickest drying of the insulation. Film TwinAktiv has been tested by the ift Rosenheim and Frauenhofer Institut fo building physics. Other test was confirmed and certified by German Institute of quality of buildings in Berlin.
Film illbruck TwinAktiv enables to choose according to need from three ways of implementation and it fulfills the conditions of most customers.